
Your Session is booked!

Please fill out this form before your session so Kimmy has time to review all your answers. She can't wait to meet you!

Follow these simple steps to finalize your session! 


What is your top dating goal for 2022?
What has been the biggest obstacle(s) standing in the way of you achieving this goal?
Why is NOW the right time to focus on creating change in your dating life?
Please select the option that best describes you:
Please select one
  • Please select one
  • I’m interested in enrolling in Spark Your Sexy LIVE!!
  • Gain clarity on my Dating Mission Statement.
  • I’m unsure of my next step and interested in finding out more.
What do you want to get out of this session?
Please select one
  • Please select one
  • $10000 + I'm all in! I'm excited to learn about how I can work with Kimmy one-on-one!
  • $5000 - $10000 Sign me up! I'm ready to make a significant change to my dating life and am open to investing in the support I need.
  • $1k - $5k I'm ready to make a significant change to my dating life open to investing in myself and would like to know more about how Kimmy can help me.
  • 0 - $1000 I would prefer to make a small or no financial investment and do as much as possible on my own.
Please commit to your appointment by typing the following sentence in the box below. Yes, I promise I will show for my session.
Finally, on a scale of 1 to Wonder Woman, how awesome are you?
Please select one
  • Please select one
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

DISCLAIMER: The results and stories shared in this training are not guaranteed. 
However, I’m going to show you the steps to reach your goals faster than you could on your own.

© Kimmy Seltzer | Created by Elise Cruz Company | All Rights Reserved