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For those of you who don’t know my story, I want to get a little personal with you and share something about myself today. I recently spoke at Marni Battista’s Ignite Your Life summit for women and I decided to wear my big, oversized “mommy” clothes on stage. The clothes I once wore long ago. It was so interesting to go back to that place and to see how people reacted towards me and – more importantly – connect to how I felt in those clothes. I started reflecting upon how it felt to feel invisible and having the desire to hide. I remember when I had my postpartum body after having my kids and the clothes I wore… a closet full of oversized black “mommy” tops, a bunch of nursing bras and neutral-colored Birkenstock sandals. Not a very appealing image. More importantly, I wasn’t feeling attractive, I didn’t know how to give signals that I was even interested in men and I was literally hiding. The last date I remembered having was going to a toga fraternity party with my college boyfriend. Boy, were things different! I didn’t know if I would ever get my groove back and feel like a sexy, charming and dateable woman again. After losing a lot of pregnancy weight, I got a new, colorful wardrobe with better-fitting clothes and started feeling better about myself. As my confidence grew, I started attracting more people (men included) and opportunities. This is where my journey began, and it’s why I’m so passionate about helping men and women rediscover who they are, gain confidence and attract love.
Confidence is the number one element both men and women find attractive in each other. When you feel confident, you attract love and opportunity in your life. However, feeling secure when it comes to dating when you’re not feeling “body confident” is easier said than done. In the video above, my friend and cohort Bobbi Palmer shares a little of her experience stepping into a new look and seeing her body in a different way. In fact, the shift was so tremendous that she even asked me at one point in the dressing room if the mirrors were rigged! It can be that easy, but sometimes it takes a little push to get outside of your safe, oversized, dark wardrobe. To learn some fast easy tips to get out of your cocoon and become that butterfly click here to start loving your body!