Coco Chanel once said, “Dress poorly and people will notice your clothes; dress well, and people will notice you.” What you portray on the outside sends a message of who you are in the world so it’s important to think about what your clothes and presentation communicates to others.

Moreover, there is scientific research that proves that your attire and the way you carry yourself increases performance and attracts opportunity in many aspects of your life.

When you are truly confident with your body and dress for success you radiate in a way that draws men to you. That kind of inner confidence can’t be faked, and in order to get it you need to learn how to love your body and dress in a way that reflects the best YOU.


Here are easy tips to dress in a way that will make a man’s heads turn:

Tip#1: Dress for Your Body Type

As an image expert, I often see women who don’t know how to dress for their body type. It’s literally one of the best things you can do to feel less overwhelmed when shopping and immediately feel more confident in your skin. If you don’t yet know how to dress for your body type and accentuate your assets, download my eBook now for a full guide (check my bio below and visit my website for more information.)


Tip #2: Maintain a Little Mystery

Contrary to popular belief, men don’t actually want to see everything you’ve got right away! They find it sexiest when you’re wearing something that’s sophisticated, beautiful and fits your body well without showing too much skin. For example, a black dress with a modest front and an open back, or a silky blouse with a lace camisole peeking through. It’s that alluring mixture of conservative and sex appeal that drives men wild.


Tip#3: Get to Know Your Confident Clothing

Take notice what clothes you tend to put on over and over again that give you that extra boost. Ask yourself what you have in your wardrobe that you wish you could wear everyday. Survey the way clothes fit, how comfortable they are and the quality of fabrics. You will start seeing a pattern of what clothes work for your personality and lifestyle.


Tip #4: Dress Feminine!

Whenever you’re meeting a man – especially if it’s for the first time – embrace your feminine, sexy side. Put away the boyfriend jeans, the Uggs and your corporate blazers, and slip on a sexy pair of heels and a gorgeous dress that you look and feel absolutely amazing in. Trust me – he will love it.


Creating that sexy confidence with your clothing that exudes femininity will help you get noticed. Take your time in picking out something that makes you feel good and that will translate to the man that you are comfortable with your body and yourself. Happy head turning!





Originally published on Digital Romance

About the Author EIMadmin

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