On the “I Do Podcast”, I spoke about how to keep that spark alive with your significant other. It turns out, a great way to keep things fresh is to continue to date them. Its easy to fall into a routine and let things get stale, but if you focus on keeping things exciting your relationship will benefit greatly. Listen to my interview below to learn how you can keep your relationship alive by dating your partner!



Engaged couples and newlyweds:
Be patient and communicate. Family issues may arise during the wedding planning phase, and it’s important to be solid in your relationship. Communicate with each other and don’t let family dynamics take over.

Daily Tip:
Give at least three reinforcements a day! Praise him, praise her. It’s really easy to get caught up and focus on the things you don’t like. Try focusing on the things you do like. Appreciate and praise each other by making positive statements.

My one piece of advice:
Keep dating your partner!


This interview originally aired on the I Do Podcast.

About the Author Kim

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