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"My transformation happened through the elegant eye of Kimberly Seltzer. With Kim's graceful guidance, she gave me the confidence & understanding to create a wardrobe for 'this day & age."
Robin Rae
"I've been
and I'm loving it"
"What an amazing weekend! I had a lot of 'AH HA' moments to take away. It really showed me the small things I do that really aren't in my best interest. I'm getting way more responses on Match and invites for dates too!"
"I'm attracting men like crazy, so its been more of a sorting process than anything. I have also been doing really well with both boundaries and SHARING more about myself.
I hadn't emailed you to tell you that I got hitched! Found a wonderful, kind-hearted guy... dated for a year and a half, got engaged while scuba diving in Carmel together, and 6 months later... got married in Kauai (last October). He is completely different than who I thought I'd wind up with, and yet we are perfectly suited for each other. So funny how that works."
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