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In today’s topic we’re going to talk about how to know what you’re going to wear on that first date. Clients come to me all the time and they say, “Kim, I have a date tomorrow… I don’t know what to wear!” So I developed a very easy system that you can apply tomorrow, or tonight. It’s called the “3 W’s.” The first “W” is “Where?” Ladies and gentlemen, know where you’re going on that first date. There’s nothing worse than showing up on a nice, lovely evening date at a nice restaurant and you’re dressed in a pair of cutoff shorts and a t-shirt. Rule number two is “Who?” Know who you’re going with. You can find that out either online, if thats where you met that person, or through the person that maybe set you up. But research shows that people are more in alignment with one another and are attracted to one another if they are dressed in a similar way. Rule number three is “What?” And that is, what are those clothes that makes you feel really confident? I’m sure that you can walk in your closet and find that outfit that you feel really good in. Whether it be the color, the cut, maybe its the fabric. But whatever that is, that is your go-to item, because you’re going to feel confident. And that is what’s going to attract the other person. So do you have a date tomorrow, and you want to know “What Would Kim Do?” Read below and find out some quick, easy ways that you can really rock out and look your best out on that date. See you soon!

About the Author Kim

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