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Where are all of the great men and women to date? I get asked this question a lot by my frustrated clients. Obviously the fact that both men and women ask me this means that both genders struggle with finding the right one. When I follow up with them about what they are looking for, a list scrolls out 10 feet long of what a partner must have to even consider romance. Let’s face it, dating is different in this day and age. With so many distractions, technological advances and various choices it’s sometimes challenging to keep your eye on the ball and really focus on what is important. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the set of The Romance where the contestants are faced with the same hardships of finding the right person which I discuss in the above video. I invite you to look at what has been challenging for you in finding the right one and consider these 3 tips in opening yourself up to possibilities.
First, be open. I know it sounds trivial, but it’s essential that you get to know the person rather than if that person meets your checklist. Second, diversify your dating portfolio so that you are meeting people in different ways. People get frustrated often because they are only trying one way to meet people and they get burnt out. Finally, take your long list and narrow it down to the 3 most important characteristics and situations that are a must for you. Put the rest of the list on the back burner and just get to know people. I can’t tell you how many times love happened in situations that were NOT on a person’s list! So be open, create new opportunities to meeting new people and filter out what is most important to you so that you can attract that right person in your life. To learn more about how you women can open up and show a man you’re interested click here.